High Tech Campus Eindhoven Buildings
The telephone number for urgent reports to our Service Desk is: 040-2305600. For the HTCE buildings: HTC1, 5, 6, 8, 12, 18, 21, 25, 27,29, 31, 32, 37, 41, 47a, 68, 69, 83, 84, 97, parking garages and site maintenance.
If you would like to log a call for questions, reports and complaints regarding the HTCE buildings, parking garages and grounds a Facilitor account is required. Please send an e-mail to the Service Desk services@hightechcampus.com and they will create an account for you. You will receive the login details within a few days.
This easy-to-use tool is the fastest way to report inquiries, while efficiently keeping you informed about the progress of your work order. Facilitor gives 24-hour visibility of your work order.
If you wish to apply for a work permit, go to https://kfht.facilitor.nl and register with your e-mail address and a password.
If you have any questions about Facilitor or emergency inquiries related to HTCE buildings, parking garages and terrain please contact our Facility Desk 040-2305600.
Signify buildings
For the buildings of Signify (HTC 7, 26, 44 and 48) please contact the Mace Macro helpdesk via email: signifyFMhelpdesk@fm-24.com or phone number: +44 203 429 7162
Royal Philips Buildings
The specific Philips ( HTC2-3-4-11-33-34-35-36-38-42-51-52-61) Facility Management urgent report number is: 085-0643950. Please only call these numbers in case of emergent failures that require immediate action. To submit Facility requests, please use the Corrigo Platform: Corrigo Facilities Management (Philips employees are pre-registered). For questions or comments, please contact corrigo.support@philips.com