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High Tech Campus Eindhoven

High Tech Campus Eindhoven

5656 AE Eindhoven


High Tech Campus 1E

Bezoek Website

HTCE Site Management B.V. is responsible for the development of High Tech Campus Eindhoven. More than 260 companies and institutes and about 12,500 researchers, developers and entrepreneurs work on the technologies and products of tomorrow. They do this in an atmosphere of open innovation in which knowledge, skills and R&D facilities are shared in order to innovate faster, better and in a more customer-oriented way. The international community of the Campus has a shared drive to create innovative solutions that make the lives of people worldwide healthier, more pleasant, easier and more interesting and that contribute to a more sustainable world.
HTCE Site Management B.V. ensures that all facilities and services are available to unburden the (future) Campus companies, so that they can focus on their core activities.


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